Associate Professor, College Of Natural And Applied Sciences

PhD in Mathematics, specializing in Computational Fluid Dynamics


For the last 9 years, she has been teaching the following courses:

  • Ordinary Differential Equations: MSc (first year)
  • Partial Differential Equations: MSc and PhD
  • Fluid Dynamics I and II : MSc
  • Numerical Analysis I: (2nd year undergraduate)
  • Several Variables Calculus for Non-Majors (2nd year course for Engineering students)
  • Biomathematics- MSc
  • Mathematical Epidemiology: MSc


Research interests: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Biomathematics.

She has supervised 2 PhD and 26 MSc students to completion,


  • Coordinator: Eastern Africa Universities Mathematics Programme (EAUMP)- 2014-2017
  • Coordinator of the Eastern Africa region of the African Mathematics Millennium Science Initiative (AMMSI)- 2013-Present
  • Chairperson of the African Mathematical Union Commission for African Women in Mathematics-  2017-2021
  • Chairperson, Tanzanian Women in Mathematics- 2018-Present


  1. Asha Kalula, Eunice Mureithi, Theresia Marijani and Isambi Mbalawata, An age structured model fro transmission dynamics of malaria with infected  immigrants and asymptomatic carriers, 953-968, DOI 10.4314/tjs.v47i3.7, 202
  2. Avirt S. Lighuda, Jefta M. Sunzu, Sunil D. Maharaj and Eunice W. Mureithi, Charged stellar model with three layers, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021.
  3. A.S. Lighuda, S.D. Maharaj, J.M. Sunzu & E.W. Mureithi, A model of a three-layered relativistic star,  Astrophysics and Space Science, 366, Springer, 2021.
  4. Said Seif Salim, Eunice Mureithi, Nyimvua Shaban, Joseph Malinzi, Mathematical Modelling of the dynamics of prostate cancer with a curative vaccine, Scientific Africa, 11, 2021.
  5. Annord Mwapinga, Eunice Mureithi, James Makungu and VerdianaMasanja, MHD Arterial Blood Flow and Mass Transfer under the Presence of Stenosis, Body Acceleration and Chemical Reaction: A Case of Magnetic Therapy, Journal of Mathematics and Informatics,
  6. Annord Mwapinga, Eunice Mureithi, James Makungu, Verdiana Masanja, Non-Newtonian heat and mass transfer on MHD blood flow through a stenosed artery in the presence of body exercise and chemical reaction, Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience, vol 2020, ID 64, ISSN 2052-254.
  7. Stephen Edward, Nyimvua Shaban and Eunice Mureithi, Optimal Control of Shigellosis with Cost-Effective Strategies, Computational and mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2020, Article ID 9732687, 15 pages,
  8. Stephen Edward, Eunice Mureithi and Nyimvua Shaban, Shigellosis Dynamics: Modelling the Effects of Treatment, Sanitation, and Education in the Presence of Carriers, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 2020, Article ID 3476458, 19 pages,
  9. Hossein Miraji, Eunice Mureithi, Othman Othman,  Faustin Ngassapa, 1-D Transport Behaviour of Emerging Contaminants in the Unidirectional Flowing Surface Waters of the Msimbazi River. Tanzania Journal of Science, Vol. 46, 371-382.
  10. Jacob Lyimo, Nyimvua Shaban, Eunice Mureithi and Thadei Sagamiko: Modelling and Analysis of a Holling Type II Stage Structured Predator-Prey System in the Presence of Harvesting, Tanzania Journal of Science 45(3): 477-489, 2019.
  11. Sara Mkango, Nyimvua Shaban, E Mureithi and Twalib Ngoma, Dynamics of breast cancer under different rate of chemo-radiotherapy, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2019, Article ID 5216346, 12 pages,
  12. Musa Mjankwi, Verdiana Masanja, Eunice Mureithi, and Makungu James Unsteady MHD Flow of Nanofluid with variable properties over a stretching sheet in the presence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 2019, Article ID 7392459, 14 pages,
  13. Raymond Kitengeso, Eunice Mureithi, Makungu James, and John Mango, Effects of magnetic fields on an unsteady mixed convective boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid with temperature dependent properties, Tanzania J. of Science, 44, issue 3, 103-114, 2018.
  14. Alanus Mapunda, Eunice Mureithi, Nyimvua Shaban, Thadei Sagamiko, Effects of over-harvesting and drought on a predator-prey system with optimal control, Open J. of Ecology, 8, 459-482, 2018.
  15. Miraji Hossein, Othman O.C., Ngassapa F., Mureithi E.W., The evolutionary engagement of analytical techniques in the eco-toxicity of emerging contaminants, Int. J. for Research and Development in Technology, ISSN: 2348-3585, 10, 2018.
  16. H. Miraji, O.C. Othman, F.N. Ngassapa and E.W. Mureithi, (2016), Research trends in emerging contaminants on the aquatic environments of Tanzania, Scientifica, 6 pages,
  17. Joshua Mwasunda, Eunice W Mureithi, NyimvuaShaban, (2015), The use of non-standard finite difference schemes to solve the DAMP and SIT models, Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 3, 25-32, doi:10.12691/jmsa-3-2-2.
  18. Augustino Isdory, Eunice W Mureithi, David J.T. Sumpter (2015), Impact of human mobility on HIV transmission in Kenya. PLOS ONE, 10 (11), doi: 10.1371/Journal.pone.0142805.
  19. Eunice Mureithi, A mixed convection boundary layer flow over a vertical wall in a porous medium with exponentially varying fluid viscosity. J. of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2, 795-802, 2014.
  20. Makungu James, E.W. Mureithi and Dmitry Kuznetsov, Natural convection flow past an impermeable vertical plate embedded in nanofluid saturated porous medium with temperature dependent viscosity. Asian J. of Mathematics and Applications, Volume 2014, Article ID ama 0165, 17 pages: ISSN 2307-7743.
  21. Jean M.-S. Lubuma, Eunice W. Mureithi, Yibeltal A. Terefe, Non-standard discretizations of SIS epidemiological model with or without diffusion. Contemporary Mathematics, Mathematics of Continuous and Discrete Dynamical Systems, 608, 113-132, 2014.
  22. Makungu James, E.W. Mureithi, Dmitry Kuznetsov,Free convection flow past a impermeable wedge embedded in nanofluid saturated porous medium with variable viscosity base fluid. Engineering Mathematics Letters: 2014:14, 2014.
  23. Anguelov R, Dumont Y, Lubuma JM-S, Mureithi EW Stability analysis and dynamics preserving NSFD schemes for a malaria model. Mathematical population studies: An International J. of Mathematical Demography, 20, 101-122, 2013.
  24. Mureithi, EW, JJ Mwaonanji and Makinde, OD On the boundarylayer flow past a continuously moving flat surface with temperature dependent viscosity. Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 3, 135-140, 2013.
  25. Eunice W Mureithi and James P Denier, Absolute-convective instability of a mixed forced-free convection boundary layer. Fluid Dynamics Research.42, 1-10, 2010
  26. Mureithi, EW and DP Mason, Local Non-similarity solutions for a forced-free boundary layer flow with viscous dissipation. Mathematical and Computational Applications journal 15, no. 4, 558-573, 2010.
  27. Mureithi, E.W. Effects of buoyancy on the lower branch modes on a Blasius boundary layer. J. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B., 8, 613-622, 2007.
  28. M.S. Alam, M.M. Rahman, M. Ferdows, Koji Kaino,EuniceMureithi, A. Postelnicu. Diffusion-thermo and thermal-diffusion effects on free convective heat and mass transfer flow in a porous medium with time dependent temperature and concentration. Int.J. Applied Engineering Research, 2, 81-96, 2007.
  29. Mureithi, E.W., Stability properties of a boundary layer past a moving wall in a streaming flow. Int. J. Fluid Mechanics Research, 33, 430-444, 2006.
  30. C. WafoSoh and E. Mureithi, Exact and numerical solutions of a fully developed generalized second grade incompressible fluid with power law temperature dependent viscosity. Int. J. Nonlinear Mechanics, 41, 2, 271--280, 2005.
  31. Mureithi, E.W., Boundary layer flow over a continuously moving wall with suction or injection. IASME Transactions,1, 460--465, 2004.
  32. Mbarawa, M., and Mureithi, E.W., Modelling the effectsof natural gas composition on dual-fuel combustion under constant—volume conditions, Journal of the Institute of Energy, 76, 2--9, 2003.
  33. Mureithi, E.W. and Mason, D.P., On the stability of a forced--free boundary layer flow with viscous heating Fluid Dynamics Research, 31, 65--78, 2002.
  34. Denier, J.P., Mureithi, E.W. and Stott, J.A.K., Nonlinear wave motions in stratified boundary layers. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 10, 105--114, 1998.
  35. Mureithi, E.W., Denier, J.P. and Stott, J.A.K., The effect of buoyancy on upper branch Tollmien--Schlichting waves. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 58, 19-50, 1997.
  36. Denier, J.P. and Mureithi, E.W., Weakly nonlinear wave motions in a thermally stratified boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 315, 293-316, 1996.
  37. Jean M.-S. Lubuma,  Eunice W. Mureithi, Yibeltal A. Terefe, Non-standard discretizations of SIS epidemiological model with or without diffusion. Contemporary Mathematics, Mathematics of Continuous and Discrete Dynamical Systems, 608, 113-132, 2014.