Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) library




Welcome to Mineral Resources Institute Library.

The library is estimated to have more than 2,100 volumes of materials in different subject fields; a number which is expected to double in the next 2 years. The Library accommodates about 112 users at a time and offers both reference and borrowing services. The following brief guide intends to guide the user of MRI Library by the College community and other outsiders.


The Library has five major sections namely, Check point, Readers and Information Services, Periodicals and MRI Documentation, Special Reserve, ICT, Technical Services, and Collection (stock) Maintenance.


        3.1      Term

Monday – Friday                              8.30 – 22.00 Hrs

Saturdays                                          9.30 – 13.30 Hrs

Sunday and Public Holidays   –        Closed


       3.2   Vacation

Monday – Saturday 8.30 – 13.00

The closing bell will ring 15 minutes before the closing of the Library     and will repeat 5 minutes before closing time. After that the Library       shall be closed and anyone found remaining in the Library shall be      considered to have been planning book theft and will be punished     according to rules.


  • All members of the College are entitled to use the library as readers. 


Library materials can be located by using a catalogue and information provided in a Computer soft ware. Computer software (Athenaeum Light) is a brief description of an Information item until now, MRI Library use computer software (Athenaeum Light) to Catalogue Library materials. The Library catalogues are of three types; author catalogues, Title catalogues and subject catalogues. The author catalogue (file) and title catalogue list Books, pamphlets and other documents alphabetically according to authors surname or the Book’s title. In the case where the book has no personal authorship, the authorship will be a Attributed to title, society, body, or institution.

On the other hand, subject catalogues are also used to locate materials in the Library. A subject catalogue is numerically (class number) arranged according to the name of the Subject and it shows what the library has on a particular subject, and what other document exist on the subjects.



     6.1   General collection 

The general collection consists of materials in various subject fields of study. Materials in this section can be borrowed for home reading and be returned after 3 days, the Collection provided textbooks with higher demands to support faculty staff and Students. Given such a high demand from the majority of students, some books, are for Use within the library only. And not to be borrowed for home use. (i.e special reserve).

6.2     Reference and Information               

The reference collection consists of dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks manuals, Atlases, directories, compendium, almanacs, and bibliographies etc. These materials are for use within the library only and not for borrowing for home reading.

N: B; Study carrels are for use by Academic staff only.


6.3   Special Reserve Collection

Special reserve section consists of books which are on high demand. Books from this section are to be read in the Library only and are not to be taken outside the Library. Readers may borrow special reserve books for a maximum of 1 hour per one book. An additional 1 hour can be requested if there is no user waiting for the book. Failure to return a borrowed special reserve book after one hour will result to disciplinary action.


6.4   Periodicals and Newspapers.

The Library subscribes to a number of periodicals/journals in various subject fields. These periodicals are available for reading in the Library and they are not to be borrowed for home reading. The Library subscribes to a number of local newspapers such as the Guardian, Daily News, Majira, Mwananchi, and Uhuru.


6.5   Electronic Resources

Currently the Library has access to the following electronic resources

  • Electronic Journals
  • Online journal databases
  • Electronic resources 

6.6 MRI Documentation and Information

This is a research collection consisting of materials by and about the College. It consists of theses/dissertations, research reports, manuscripts, and other publications through institutional repository, donations and purchases. The collection is a closed access system in order to reinforce security of materials.




The security of Library user properties is his/her own responsibility. Users are advised not to bring any valuable items with them to the Library. Library users are asked to leave all bags, folders, and coats at the Cloak/Bag Deposit area after removing all valuable items. The Library shall not be held responsible for any loss of items. To be allowed into the Library a user must show an Identity card. For users who are not members of the MRI Community a membership card must be presented before entering the library.

On exiting the Library, users are required to show open any folders and whatever books they are carrying for inspection and verification that everything going out of the Library has been properly issued. Failure to abide by this rule may result in disciplinary action against the user.


7.1   Theft


Theft of Library items is a criminal offence. The following acts shall be considered book theft and shall be punished accordingly.

  1. Any act of trying to take out unborrowed library materials shall be considered attempted theft.
  2. Any act of hiding library materials in the book shelves in the toilets or anywhere else for use within the library is theft.
  • Failure to return borrowed books 3 days after the due date and after being reminded by the Library will be considered theft.


In order for MRI Library to provide an atmosphere for conducive use of its services and facilities, the public is required to comply with the library rules and regulations listed before. User in the Library must respect the lights and privileges of all other users.

Library users are therefore expected to abide by the following rules and regulations.

  1. Idle conversation, loud laughter, and other unnecessary noise disturb Library users and must therefore be avoided. Failure to observe silence will result into dismissal from the Library and other disciplinary measures. Users of the Library are requested to observe silence.
  2. Eating, smoking, and sleeping are not allowed in the Library.
  • Wearing of coats, jackets, caps, hats, slippers, sweaters are not allowed. The library staff reserves the right to inspect any person who raises suspicion.
  1. Library books and other materials are to be handled carefully. Mutilation and damage of library materials by marking, tearing or staining should be avoided.
  2. Abusive language or gestures, harassing or threatening behavior to the library staff and/or users are not acceptable.
  3. Smoking, sexual acts, drinking, display or use of weapons is not allowed in the Library.
  • Personal hygiene is highly recommended.
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly forbidden in the Library premises.
  1. Theft and mutilation of Library materials is a criminal offence. Anyone caught attempting to steal, stealing or to have stolen library materials will be reported to relevant security (including the police) and College disciplinary organs for further actions that may include prosecution, barred from using the College Library and/or suspension from studies.




Please note that the Library discourages any kind of favoritism and all clients shall be served and attended equally regardless of whether they have personal relations/friendship with Librarians. You are therefore asked to abide by all the above rules knowing that breaking them will result into disciplinary measures.

For more information and current updates about MRI Library please contact library staff.

Thank you for your consideration, and please enjoy the library facilities and services.