Prof Abel G. Ishumi

  1. Name:  Abel G. Ishumi
  2. Sex: Male
  3. Designation: Professor Emeritus
  4. Contacts:

Postal address: University of Dar es Salaam,

   School of Education,

   P.O Box 35048,

   Dar es Salaam-Tanzania

Visiting address:

  University of Dar es Salaam,

  Changanyikeni Road,

  School of Education Building,

  Office number: 324 (Floor 3)


Mobile phone (s): +255 (0) 713 42 45 03


E-mail address:


5. Area of Interest: Sociology of education; history of education; philosophy of education.


6. Academic and professional roles: lecturing; consultancy; research + staff-development training on specific themes such as “Research-write training”; “Turning a thesis into publishable products); etc.


7.  Educational and professional history: He was first engaged by the University of Dar es Salaam fifty-one years ago (in 1970) as a tutorial assistant, and he grew up through the ranks to professor (since 1982). He was appointed to various positions, including as Head of the Department of Education in the-then Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (1982-88); Chief Coordinator of the University Teaching and Learning Improvement Programme [UTLIP] (1991-97); Director of Postgraduate Studies (1994-97) and Coordinator of the UDSM-Carnegie Cooperation Programme (2001-2010). He has published widely, over 60 research-based journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, as well as over 25 books and monographs. 


8.  Projects: He has participated in as many as 28 projects, alone or with others within teams. Only a select five over time:

  •  1998-99. Academic audit. Output: Report on the 1998 UDSM Academic Audit. [With an international panel of seven members, March 1999; in which Ishumi served as Chairman of Panel].


  • 2007-08. Formulation of a national policy for science, technology and innovation for Tanzania. National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. Client: Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology, Dar es Salaam. [With 5 others in a multidisciplinary team under contract with the Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO), University of Dar es Salaam]


  • 2008-09. A research ‘Interrogating the link between education and poverty alleviation in Tanzania’. Exploring the Link between Education and Poverty Alleviation in Tanzania: A Search for Missing Enablers in School Curricula. [With 3 others – William A.L. Anangisye, University of Dar es Salaam; Amina N. Kamando, University of Dar es Salaam, & Monica Mbelle, VETA, South-West Zone, AGMI serving as research team leader]. Research and report supported by REPOA.


  • 2013. Institutional assessment/evaluation. University of Dar es Salaam’s Institutional Self-Assessment for the Period 2007-2012. (September 2013) [UDSM-commissioned Team evaluation report for submission to the Tanzania Commission for Universities, TCU, for purposes of University re-accreditation. [With 6 others, AGMI as Team Co-Convener].


  • 2016. Strategic planning and marketing. Policies, Strategies and Communication Procedures for Promoting and Marketing the University of Dar Es Salaam. June 2015-July 2016. Client: University of Dar es Salaam. [With B. Mutagahywa & L. Mboma]. Submitted in July 2016.


9.  Research and consultancy: Wide - covering sociology, history and philosophy of education, with consultancy covering organizational and innovative aspects of University development, change and adaptation. See Nos. 7 and 8 above.


10.  Publications: Over 25, including:

  • Education and Development in Theory and Practice, East African Literature Bureau, Nairobi & Arusha, 1976, reprinted 1978 & 1981.
  • Community Education and Development, Kenya Literature Bureau, Nairobi (1981);
  • The Urban Jobless in Eastern Africa, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala (1984);
  • 30 Years of Learning: Educational Development in Eastern and Southern Africa from Independence to 1990. IDRC Books, Ottawa (1994);
  • With S. D. Nyirenda, eds. Philosophy of Education: An Introduction to Concepts, Principles and Practice, Dar es Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam (2002);
  • With D.J. Mkude, eds. Tracer Studies in a Quest for Academic Improvement. Dar es Salaam University Press Ltd, Dar es Salaam (2004);
  • With W.A.L. Anangisye, Fifty Years of Education in Tanzania, 1961-2011. Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press (Revised edition, 2021).