Contact details
Title: Mr
Name: Alex Peter Rubekie
College/School/Division: Institute of Marine Sciences
Role: Assistant Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

Mr. Alex Rubekie Peter is an Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He did his Bachelor degree in Aquatic Environmental Sciences and Conservation and Master of Science in Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the University of Dar es Salaam. His Master dissertation addresses the question on "Coastal Communities’ Responses to Climate Change and Variability Impacts: A threat to Coastal and Marine Resources?". Before joining the current position, Mr. Alex was a registered Technical Fisheries Tutor at Fisheries Education and Training Agency conducting training both Long and short courses on Fish processing, Fish Handling, Fish Quality Assurance, Fisheries Management, Aquatic Biology, Aquaculture and Environment, Safety at Sea, Environmental Education as well as Dynamics of Aqua-Environment and Aquaculture.
Mr. Alex is interested in conducting research in the area of coastal and marine ecology, climate change impacts assessment, climate change vulnerability assessment, climate change mitigation and socio-economic and ecological systems of marine environment. He has also attended training on Climate Change Modelling and Ecological Monitoring at the University of Dar es Salaam; a training that was funded by the Association for Africa University in Ghana (AAU) and DAAD; a Germany Agency.  He also attended a Regional workshop and Outreach event for the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) held in Arusha-Tanzania hosted by Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), and has a basic knowledge on Statistical Analysis such as R-programming, STATA, SPSS.


University of Dar es Salaam,

Institute of Marine Sciences, Buyu campus

P.O. Box 668, Zanzibar-Tanzania.

Contact: +255 757 238 846/+255 679 942 386

Email address: /

Skype: live: alexpeter@281 

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