College of ICT Consultancy BUREAU (CCB)

CCB is a consultancy unit of the College of Information and Communication Technologies (CoICT). Its main objective is to solicit and execute consultancy jobs as well as provide guidance on the consultancy activities while nurturing upcoming scientists into becoming professional consultants for the sustainability of the Bureau. Specifically, CCB provides coordination and management of consultancy activities at the College of ICT (CoICT); Undertakes responsibilities related to sourcing and delivering consultancy activities; Markets the expertise possessed by the College staff for promotion of the University mission of outreach activities and public services; Encourages and builds consultancy capacity to College members of staff; Ensures sufficient and appropriate support to staff in undertaking consultancy services and protect the interest of both parties; Links training and consultancy activities with industries, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), individuals, community, private and public institutions; Offers regular professional training in the ICT disciplines; Established mechanisms to guarantee the quality, and continuous flow of consultancy activities without affecting other services undertaken by College staff members; Performs monitoring and evaluation, and reporting on CoICT consultancy works; Created and maintains a database of all consultancies undertaken by CoICT staff; and it protects the College reputation and intellectual property rights.

CCB’s area of expertise is as wide as the IT related services itself on ICT Services offering includes information systems design and implementation, Network installation and configuration, cyber security and information systems security, development of organisational IT policies and strategies, design of enterprise architecture, management of IT projects, Geographical information systems (GIS), electronics systems, telecommunication systems.